As soon as we saw the street art by Bastardilla and her matchstick children, a piece highlighting the injustices faced by street kids in Colombia, I knew the Bogota Graffiti Tour was going to be a slap in the face. And it was.
There were things that I learnt on this tour that I hadn’t known after 10 years of visiting the country. There were elements of Colombia’s history and culture that I had experienced myself, but hadn’t heard it talked about out loud, much less recreated through colourful murals on some of Bogota’s busiest streets.
But it extends beyond Colombia. There are injustices faced the world over, and street art is just one way people are highlighting these issues in our society and calling people to stand up and take notice.
If you haven’t yet experienced the Bogota Graffiti Tour, take a look at this short video I created about my experience. Stand up. Take notice.
Read more about the Bogota Graffiti Tour here >>
Video: YouTube/Sarah Duncan
For more information about the Bogota Graffiti Tour, or to book a tour for yourself when you’re in Bogota, be sure to head along to their website.
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