While in a departure lounge in Santa Marta I was very excited (and surprised!) to read a tweet from the lovely Prue and Rebecca from Straight On Detour. The tweet mentioned that they were awarding me a Sisterhood Blogger Award!
What’s a Sisterhood Blogger Award, I anticipate you wonder?
It’s a way of acknowledging and supporting our fellow female travel bloggers by sharing the love online. It’s also a way to connect and discover new female voices doing amazing work in the travel sphere.
If you’ve been nominated, say a big thank you to whoever gave you the thumbs up, then go ahead and answer the questions they’ve given you. You can then nominated up to 10 other bloggers, who will then answer your questions on their own blog. And so the love-sharing goes on!
Here are my questions from the gals from Straight On Detour:
1. Are you a boozer, culture buff, adventure seeker, landscape lover or museum junkie?
Oooh, I’m not much of a boozer (anymore!) so definitely an adventure seeker and a culture buff combined. I am probably the biggest chicken you will ever meet, but I will try just about anything once. I’ll just close my eyes through the whole thing.
2. What do you look for when planning a trip?
Food spots that the locals love!
3. Why did you start blogging?
I started out writing for magazines and newspapers after studying journalism, but then decided to work as a freelancer because it allowed me more freedom to travel. Once I began living in Colombia I decided I wanted to create my own blog to document what it was like living in and travelling around the country.
4. As a women, do you think your travels are hindered in any way?
I don’t necessarily think that my travels are negatively affected by me being a woman or anything, but, especially when I’m travelling solo, I am very aware of my safety while out and about, particularly at night. I think that my travel experiences are actually enhanced by being a solo female traveller: we can defuse situations, earn trust quickly and people are more likely to help us.
5. Is blogging your full-time job? If not what kind of work do you do?
It is! I also offer blogging courses and freelance as a writer and social media marketer, too.
6. What is your favourite country and why?
I definitely have a soft spot for Colombia. I’ve been travelling to the country for 10 years now, inspired by the people, the literature and the food. I just keep going back for more!
7. If you were given $10,000 and had to spend it on travel would you a) spend it on an expensive dream trip like the galapagos or b) use it for lots of cool little trips or c) make it last as long as you can
I’d probably go all out and head on a trip to Antarctica!
8. Share with us a travel experience that was out of your comfort zone
I think when I travel I am constantly out of my comfort zone, but that is the appeal. Living anywhere that I don’t speak the language is obviously a challenge. Especially when you find yourself in a bit of a pickle and don’t know how to talk your way out of it.
9. What is and where is your favourite hike?
Ooh! I love hiking through the Sunshine Coast Hinterlands in Queensland. I did Mount Ngungun and the Trachyte Walking Trail recently. But my most memorable hike was definitely the four-day trek through the Sierra Nevada to the Lost City in Colombia. I got an allergic reaction to mosquito bites and almost didn’t make it to the ruins! Some comforting words from a shaman helped me power on.
10. What can’t you travel without?
My camera! And a notebook to jot down my memories as I go.
Now, who I’d like to nominate:
Gemma – TwoScotsAbroad.com
Jess – TheGapYearGuru.com
Phoebe – LittleGreyBox.net
My questions for you:
- Are you a planner or a go-with-the-flow kinda gal?
- What do you splurge on when it comes to travel?
- What’s one of your proudest travel-related achievements?
- Is there a person who inspires you to travel?
- What’s the best food discovery you’ve made while on a trip?
- What are some of the positives about being a solo female traveller?
- Which country have you not visited yet, but really (really!) want to?
- How did you get into blogging?
- What’s one country you’d return to time and time again?
- Any tips for aspiring travel bloggers?
Again, thanks so much to Straight On Detour for nominating me. What a pleasure it is to share and learn more about other amazing women travel bloggers. Happy travels, friends!